Thursday, May 9, 2013

Comment on colleague's work #2

I had viewed quite a few of my colleague's work, and I came upon one that was a little similar as to what I had written in my own blog. It's always great to see other's perspective on certain topics, that's of course related to government. My colleague had written a blog from a commentary though the Huffington Post. He had written about the issue on the sequester, on why the flights were delayed, and the where the funds were going to. Although my colleague had written an interesting commentary he lacked important facts as to where the fundingwas going to. My colleague should have provided more information about the FAA, and even identify what it is or what it stands for. Overall, it was written well, with a little sense of humor.

Friday, May 3, 2013


The title of the article that I read was called, Budget cuts, minus the Inconvenience. Before I begin the commentary, I'd like to first define the word sequester.
        - to isolate or hide away (someone or something)
        - A general cut in government spending
Now, where to begin? First off, why was it so necessary to delay flights at airports all over the country? That, just caused an unnecessary inconvenience for those who needed to get to certain places. I'm not one to point fingers and blame someone, but didn't Speaker John Boehner blamed all the ache of the sequester on the Obama Administration? I don't think he understands the "ache and" until he actually gets laid off, like the others who were forced by their employees.
Why the necessary drastic cuts? Where's all the money going to? Well, apparently $85 billion were spent on eliminating waste, some sort of science/art project, and programs for the poor.
I feel as if they can save money by reducing the cost of their political campaign, travel cost, and other conference expenses. These demands or interest would only cause more aches and pain, especially for those family that are needing the income to survive. I'd like to end this blog by saying,
"I apologize for my hairy legs, I was wearing pants until the sequester cut them off."